Mom’s House Toledo is a 5-star childcare center available to help low-income, single moms graduate from high school, technical school, and college. With intervention and support, we will help you set and attain lifetime educational goals, and break the cycle of poverty for you and your children.
You may qualify for Mom’s House if you are a single woman who is currently enrolled in school full-time and the parent to a child who is 5 years of age or younger.
Mom’s House is a faith-based organization that strives to positively influence the lives of two generations through education for parent and child.
Your support helps us to invest in the future of women and their children so they can build strong families and, in turn, a stronger community.
of 168 eligible clients
pursue post-secondary education
of 310 eligible clients
achieve kindergarten readiness
of 284 eligible clients
graduate from school
A young woman is living in a cycle of poverty due to the circumstances of her birth.
She has a baby and, rather than seeing motherhood as an obstacle, she is motivated to create a better life for herself and her child.
She walks through the doors at Mom’s House and is immediately welcomed by a caring, supportive staff ready to guide her on her journey to self-sufficiency.
Mom and child’s basic needs are met and, through Mom’s House programming, she learns tools to overcome adversity.
Now, more confident than ever, she is ready to change the narrative for her and her child’s life.
Her decision to break the cycle will positively affect her and her family for generations to come. She has rewritten her future.
Join us for a fun day on the links and support the educational programs that benefit the moms and children enrolled at Mom's House.